Stylistic and grammatical structure in modern poetry The mural of Mahmoud Darwish a model

Stylistic and grammatical structure in modern poetry The mural of Mahmoud Darwish a model


  • Prof. Yahya Ahmed Mohammed Al-Zahrani أستاذ الأدب والنقد بجامعة أم القرى بمكة المكرمة


(Stylistic- grammatical composition- mural- Mahmoud- Darwish- grammatical formulas- grammatical parallel)


This research addresses ( mural ) of Mahmoud  Darwish through its studying which reveals its constituent fundamental stylistic characteristics and its relation with grammatical phenomenon by concentrate on analysis of various productive levels of this relation ( anastrophe , elide , grammatical parallel , phrasing , grammatical versions ) by drawing on stylistic studies , and how it was used by MAHMOUD DARWISH in order to study the component of grammatical phenomenon in mural.


at the end of the research , the researcher founded momentum of mural style related to grammatical phenomenon , which form a network of relation between levels and elements producing literary text .


