Quantitative demographic indicators of the population of residential neighborhoods In the Baghdad L-Jadida district

Quantitative demographic indicators of the population of residential neighborhoods In the Baghdad L-Jadida district


  • Prof. Zainab Muhammed Amin (Ph.D) الجامعة العراقية / كلية الآداب
  • Researcher Jinan Abdul-Jabbar Jawad الجامعة العراقية / كلية الآداب


Keywords: demographic indicators, qualitative indicators, age indicators.



The research aims to study the qualitative indicators of the residents of residential neighborhoods in the Baghdad AL-Jadida sub-district

 Represented by the average size of the household - gender ratio - the gender of the head of the family as well as the age indicators of the residents of residential neighborhoods in the Baghdad AL-Jadida district represented by the age of the head of the family - the dependency ratio, because of the importance of these indicators in determining the economic situation of the population and achieving indicators of economic well-being of the population.

The research relied on the field survey for the purpose of obtaining its data, represented by the sampling method, and distributing the questionnaire to the eight residential neighborhoods in Baghdad AL-Jadida, which are (Al Khaleej neighborhood, the 9th of April, Al Muthanna neighborhood, Sumer neighborhood, Al Amin neighborhood, Akad neighborhood, Al Khansa neighborhood, and Hay Al-Mamoun) and according to the equation of the study sample that gave the number 384 forms, and this number, according to Stephen Thompson’s equation, represents the minimum required to obtain data with an acceptable degree of credibility, but we increased the number to (466) questionnaires to ensure obtaining a true representation of the data of the phenomenon in question. the study. The questionnaires were distributed to the various residential neighborhoods according to the proportions of their population representation. The study also relied on multiple scales to extract averages as well as showing the geospatial dimension in the study area through maps using GIS technology G.I.S.

The research found that the average family size in the neighborhoods of the Baghdad AL-Jadida  sub-district was (5.6) individuals, and the gender ratio recorded a discrepancy in the neighborhoods of the Baghdad AL-Jadida  sub-district, as the total number of males for all neighborhoods in the research sample reached (1340) males, which exceeds the number of females ( 1277) females in all neighborhoods of the Baghdad AL-Jadida  sub-district, and this is why the sex ratio appeared (103) males for every 100 females, meaning that the number of males exceeded the number of females in most neighborhoods, except for the 9th of April and the Muthanna neighborhood, in addition to that, the number of families headed by males formed 370 Households by 79% compared to 96 families headed by females, at a rate of 21%. The age groups of the head of the five families showed that the highest percentages of the number of heads of families were in the Al-Amin and Al-Mamoun neighborhood. The lowest age groups were found to be those over 65 years with a percentage of (3%) and the largest percentage (9%) within the age of the head of families for the category (55-65). year; This means that most of the breadwinners are elderly people in this neighborhood. Finally, the dependency ratio indicated the highest in Akkad neighborhood at (151%) and the lowest in Sumer neighborhood at (125%).

