Geographical distribution of large food industries in the city of Baghdad

Geographical distribution of large food industries in the city of Baghdad


  • Asst. Prof. Salam Khamis (Ph.D.) Gharbi الجامعة العراقية / كلية الآداب
  • Researcher Omar Liqa Lutfi الجامعة العراقية / كلية الآداب


Keywords: Food industries, Industrial activities and Industrial sector


This research came to shed light on the large food industries in the city of Baghdad, and it was also based on several criteria, including (the number of establishments, the number of employees, the value of capital), and on the level of industrial activities and municipalities in the city of Baghdad. The study showed that the total number of industrial establishments is (80) large-sized industrial establishments, the reason for their settlement came due to a number of considerations that contributed to attracting and settling these industries in their current location, as the market factor came in the first place with a rate of (40.37%), while the market factor ranked first. The second factor is the personal desires factor, which constitutes a percentage of (11.06%), while the third factor is occupied by the raw material factor, which amounts to (10.90%). 33) establishments formed with a rate of (41.25%), and included the largest number of workers with a total of (4,534) workers, with a rate of (44.57%), and recorded the highest value of the capital by (4,719,873,000) billion dinars, with a rate of (46.17%). Of the total capital used in the production process and the study concluded with a number of proposals that would develop the industrial sector to be able to compete with international products.

