The life of Tabrizi and a model of his introduction to AL-Kashaf study and investigation

The life of Tabrizi and a model of his introduction to AL-Kashaf study and investigation


  • Asst. Prof. Ahmed Mohieldin (Ph.D.) Al-Rawi الجامعة العراقية / كلية الآداب
  • Researcher Taha Abd al-Hadi Shihab al-Shawi al-Mashhadani AL-Iraqia University-College of Arts


Keywords: AL-Kashaf, AL-Tabrizi and Surat AL-Fatihah


Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, who sent our master Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, and revealed to his heart his clear book, which falsehood does not come to him from before him or from behind him, and the honor of his faithful servants in the message of the most honorable messengers, Muhammad, and prayers and peace be upon our master Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon our master, Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon his good and pure family, his honorable companions and those who follow them in goodness to  Judgment Day. The aim of this research is to introduce an interpreter and a scholar from among the Muslim scholars whose most scientific works have been studied, and he is the exegete Imam Abd al-Karim al-Tabrizi, may God have mercy on him.  His footnote on AL-Kashaf at the beginning of Introduction and Surat Al-Fatihah.

