Ideology and Ideational Meaning of Heather J. Gisi’s Crime Short Story “Dark and Evil”

Ideology and Ideational Meaning of Heather J. Gisi’s Crime Short Story “Dark and Evil”


  • Instructor: Aws Nasri Hamad Al-Shajlawi, M.A. Al-Imam Al-Adham University College


Keywords: Crime Short Story, Ideational Meaning, Ideology, Critical Discourse Analysis.


The current study investigates crime short story linguistically and ideologically. The aim of the current study is to show the different types of interpersonal meanings used within the selected data and its ideological aspect. The current study follows Fairclough (2015) approach of critical discourse analysis. This model contains an integration of Halliday’s systemic functional grammar, particularly that of ideational meta-function, and its ideological aspects. The data selected for the analysis is a crime short story of Heather J. Gisi called “Dark and Evil”. The analysis indicates the connection between transitivity processes and the identification of murders within the text.


