Evaluating the content of the science book (Life Sciences) for the second intermediate grade in the light of contemporary scientific innovations

Evaluating the content of the science book (Life Sciences) for the second intermediate grade in the light of contemporary scientific innovations


  • Asst. Instr. Sana Miqdad Ashoor وزارة التربية – مديرية التربية / الكرخ الاولى


Keywords: Evaluation, second grade intermediate level science book and Contemporary scientific innovations


     The current study aimed at evaluating the content of the science book (life sciences) for the second intermediate grade according to the specific evaluation standards in the light of contemporary scientific innovations by achieving the following two goals: (Introduction of the book, objectives, content, educational activities, book questions, pictures and illustrations, artistic direction of the book?

b- What are the most important contemporary scientific innovations that must be available in the content of the science book (Life Sciences) for the second intermediate grade? This search is limited to:

The science book for the second intermediate grade, first edition (20171

Teachers of biology for the second intermediate grade in the schools affiliated2 to the Baghdad Directorate of Education, Karkh / the first

      To achieve this, the researcher adopted a tool (a questionnaire) for evaluation criteria by reviewing previous studies and literature that dealt with the concept of evaluation and scientific innovations, and the tool consisted of (92) items, and since the tool was adopted and built in the year (2014) It was presented to arbitrators and had a high agreement rate (93%). It is also subject to the laws of honesty and stability, so it is ready to be applied to the research sample directly.

      As for the sample of the research, it consisted of (50) teachers and teachers of biology for the second intermediate grade of graduates of colleges of education in the province of Baghdad, as well as educational specialists of biology in the General Directorate of Education in Baghdad / Karkh first, whose number is (5) educational specialist, either The statistical methods used to analyze the research results are: (percentage, Pearson correlation coefficient, weighted mean, weight percentile)

      The results of the research showed that the areas of the book are highly investigated in the light of scientific innovations, except for the field of (images and illustrations

