Interpretation of (Surat alankabut) Of the summary Interpretation Sheikh Abdul Qader bin Mohammed bin Abdullah

Interpretation of (Surat alankabut) Of the summary Interpretation Sheikh Abdul Qader bin Mohammed bin Abdullah


  • Assist.Prof.Dr.sardar rasheed hamasalh جامعة السليمانية / كلية العلوم الإسلامية. قسم أصول الدين


     Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon our beloved Muhammad, his family and companions until the Day of Judgment.

Kurdistan has witnessed a great scientific movement in the service of Islamic sciences since the advent of Islam and to this time. Many scholars have emerged in this region. History books and translations have recorded the names of most of them who spent their lives serving the Islamic religion and its sciences.

Among the sciences that Kurdish scholars took care of teaching, teaching and authoring in it is the science of interpretation. It has received great interest, and many scholars are famous for this art, because of the science of interpretation of a high status, which is honored over all other sciences; Because it is the way to understand the words of God and to clarify the purpose of God Almighty.

Kurdish scholars - old and new - had a prominent role in serving the sciences and interpretation of the Noble Qur’an, and they wrote many books and interpretations in different languages, such as Arabic, Kurdish, Persian and Turkish.

Among the Kurdish scholars who paid great attention to interpretation is Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al-Siddiqi Al-Kuwai, who spent years of his life writing a complete interpretation of the Holy Qur’an. He called it (Summary of interpretation in the solution of its words worthy of the help of the Almighty King)

And in my desire to contribute to the service of the Noble Qur’an, I investigated (Surat Al-Ankabut) from the manuscript of Mukhtasat Al-Tafsir, and the research includes this introduction, a preface, and the verified text.


