The Role of Human Organ (Heart) in worshipping

The Role of Human Organ (Heart) in worshipping


  • Dr. Akram Bayez Mohammad Ameen جامعة السليمانية / كلية العلوم الاسلامية قسم الفقه وأصوله


Keywords: Heart, Role and Worshipping


Praise be to Allah and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger Allah and his family and companions.

The theme of the heart is of great importance in the lives of the people in general and in the lives of Muslims in particular, so we have tried in this research to show the meaning of the heart and types, and Pena its importance and influence in worship, Voordna In this research, scholarly opinion on this subject, and showed that the Almighty God create heart and made him the object of his knowledge and his will, he is "the throne of the ideal that is his knowledge and his love and his will."

 If the heart is the work of the balance of the differential cult apparent heart and the faith and devotion continued to accept the good work, and without useless and the fruit does not accept.

The guide us, it is God Almighty though not as well as our mouth it is the devil and please pardon and forgiveness.

