AL-Wahha AL-Tajweediya in the Glorious Quran Investigative study

AL-Wahha AL-Tajweediya in the Glorious Quran Investigative study


  • Asst. Instr. Abdul Zahra Qasim Hussein Mijthab AL-Bahadli


Keywords: The Glorious Qur'an, Provisions of recitations, Tajweed


The paper dealt with the topics of recitation and tajweed in the Glorious Qur’an, and the secrets and observations it held in the provisions of tajweed, which was an integrated system of laws consistent with the truth of pronunciation and the Quranic sound among ancient and modern scholars among them; this led to the development of a methodology that helped the reader to facilitate pronunciation in line with human instinct Then the researcher presented the reality of the provisions of tajweed  and its duties and recommendations of recitation, then between the types and ranks of all or most of the provisions of tajweed , and summarized the reality of the theory mentioned in the concern for the recitation of the Glorious Book of God through the presentation of the Quranic texts and the noble hadiths of the Prophet, trying to reveal what is the lowest to The spirit of Quranic truth in it. And it was clear from its launch that the Qur’an is a clarification of everything, then the researcher mentioned a number of the opinions of the ancient and modern tajweed scholars on this theory - the theory of attention in the provisions of tajweed - and then concluded that it - the provisions of tajweed - is one of the colors of integrity in the statement and the height of the tongue’s eloquence in pronunciation.

