The post colonial vision in the novel of a bridge to revelation and another for nostalgia

The post colonial vision in the novel of a bridge to revelation and another for nostalgia


  • Zahra Pour hamdanian قسم اللغة العربیة و آدابها،کلیة اللغات الاجنبیة، جامعة اصفهان،ایران
  • Associate Professor Ruhollah Nasiri (responsible writer) قسم اللغة العربیة و آدابها،کلیة اللغات الاجنبیة، جامعة اصفهان،ایران


key vocabulary ; The post colonial vision, the Algerian novel, Zuhur wanasi a novel of bridge to revelation and another to nostalgia.


The novel is one of the literary genres that accompanied man in presenting his internal and external problems, crises, and concerns affected by the changes imposed on man in the modern era. The Algerian novel was also not excluded from other novels, but rather served the Algerian writers as well as the Algerian people in the face of the colonial other. Post colonial theory is one of the other theories that the Algerian novel full of , and Because Zuhur wanasi is considered the most important Algerian female novelists who helped directing the Algerian novel towards important topics this article deals with the post colonial vision in the novel of A Bridge for Revelation and another for Nostalgia for Zuhur wanasi according to the descriptive analytical approach. One of the findings of this article is that the issue of alienation in its various forms and the issue of the other is dealt with by Algerian personalities and the analysis of the steps and the ideas with The idea of liberation and the memory of the homeland are among the other sub topics that expresses the idea of the novelist and her post colonial vision, and that the phenomenon of alienation in its three forms, i.e. spatial, temporal, and self alienation is one of the most successful and important topics that the novelist mastered in taking post colonial writing methods.

