The meaning of the pluralism in the book Al-Fusul wal-Ghayaat in the glorification of God and sermons by Abi Al-Alaa Al-Ma’arri (d. 499 AH)

The meaning of the pluralism in the book Al-Fusul wal-Ghayaat in the glorification of God and sermons by Abi Al-Alaa Al-Ma’arri (d. 499 AH)


  • Asst. Instr. Alaa Mansoor AL-Mari المديرية العامة لتربية بغداد / الرصافة الثالثة قسم الإعداد والتدريب/ شعبة البحوث والدراسات التربوية


Keywords: Meaning of Pluralism, AL-Maarri, AL-Fusul Wal-Ghayat


The structures of the pluralism received the care of scholars in the past, and if they did not receive much cares, but their books were full of its examples, and despite that, the significance of these structure  was mentioned without detail, and after the stability of the morphological lesson began to pay attention to them, and the one who looks at their books notes that, and the research came  It sheds light on those semantics, discovering the extent of Al-Maarri’s interest in it through its use, and employing it in the texts of this valuable book, which did not receive much linguistic studies.

It is worth noting that the researcher used the descriptive analytical method in his research paper.

