Hajjaj AL-Tathyeel fi Khtaab AL-Tanzeel aesthetic approach in Surat Yusuf

Hajjaj AL-Tathyeel fi Khtaab AL-Tanzeel aesthetic approach in Surat Yusuf


  • Asst. Prof. Muhannad Marmous Abboud (Ph.D.) الجامعة العراقية / كلية الآداب


Keywords: Discourse, Argumentative and Qur'an


The research reveals  various argumentative patterns in the discourse of the supreme statement that contribute to verbal arts and verbal doctrines as a matter of argument and persuasion, traversing the path of appendix that is palatable by the tongues of the common people in their vernacular discourses. The result is sweetness, and the effect is sweetness, and it ensures wider communication between the interlocutors; To prove to the recipient the renewed discourse of the Qur’an, which fits the spacetime, and meets its needs.

