Investigating some linguistic words by Dr. Ibrahim Al-Samarrai

Investigating some linguistic words by Dr. Ibrahim Al-Samarrai


  • Instr. Ali Abdul Khaleq Kazem Al-Shukri Al-Jubouri (Ph.D.) الجامعة العراقية / كلية الآداب


Keywords: Investigating, Words, Samarai


     This research sheds light on some of the terms mentioned by the Samurai;  To investigate it let us check it by following  in the dictionaries, and this does not mean defaming the opinions of our great Prof. Ibrahim Al-Samarrai (Ph.D.), but as the Arabic proverb says: Every scholar has a gag.

   The nature of the research necessitated that I divide it into two parts: the first is a brief summary of the life of Dr. Ibrahim Al-Samarrai, and the second part included the verified words.

      The research concluded that there are words that we thought were colloquial, but they have been proven that they are eloquent, and there are words that have preserved their meanings until present time.

