A Translation Study of Arabic Legal Texts into English: Iraqi Official Documents as a Case Study

A Translation Study of Arabic Legal Texts into English: Iraqi Official Documents as a Case Study


  • Asst. Prof. Sameer Salih Mahdi Al-Dahwi, Ph. D الجامعة المستنصرية ، كلية الآداب ، قسم الترجمة ، العراق


الكلمات المفتاحية: الترجمة القانونية ، الوثائق الرسمية ، المستويات المعجمية والنحوية ، التكافؤ الوظيفي.



The present paper deals with the translation assessment of some Arabic official documents translated into English at the lexical and syntactic levels. Official documents are the documents that an institution issues and which has the original data which support the summarized information on the document. D`ocuments and data which are sent via secure electronic transmission can be deemed official documents. Official copies of documents are required for admission and evaluation toward degree progress, and all such documents must be signed and sealed by authorized officials of the originating institution.

The present study is aimed at carrying out a translation assessment of Arabic official documents at the lexical and syntactic levels. To achieve the aim of the study, it is hypothesized that the translators of Arabic legal texts into English may not achieve legal effect in the TL as a result of their poor competence in translating such a type of texts. It is also hypothesized that the adoption of functional equivalence by translators can play an important role in achieving the legal effect and the intention of the SL writer.

In order to test the validity of those hypotheses, selected official documents and their translations, which will be subject to translation assessment, are taken from the book "Translation of Official Documents" by Ibrahim et al. (2016). If the translators fail to give the suitable translation of Arabic official documents, the researcher will give his suggested translation.

