A Study of Audiovisual Fansubbing Translation of Abbreviations in English Movies into Arabic: Angels and Demons Movie as a Model

A Study of Audiovisual Fansubbing Translation of Abbreviations in English Movies into Arabic: Angels and Demons Movie as a Model


  • الاستاذ المساعد ابراهيم طلعت ابراهيم جامعة العراقية/ كلية الاداب
  • الاستاذ الدكتور مهدي فالح الغزالي الجامعة المستنصرية/كلية الآداب


Keywords: Audiovisual Translation, Fansubbing, Angels and Demons Movie, Abbreviation forms.


Audiovisual Translation (AVT) is defined as process of rendering multimodal product from the source language SL into the target language (TL). In other words, the AVT translator works on transferring the meaning of every mode (aural, visual and written) in the body of the (movie, interview, documentary reports, interview, cartoon, etc.) from one language into another. Besides, both researchers chose abbreviation forms found in the body of the American movie (Angels and Demons) to be analyzed into Arabic. They pinpointed three available fansubbing products of the movie in question online. It is hypothesized that amateur subtitlers whose translations selected for the analysis might produce inaccurate translation of the abbreviation forms because subtitling from English into Arabic not only depends on the process of conveying the meaning of the forms but also on the successful employment of the technical aspects associated with the process of fansubbing from English into Arabic such as (number of character per line, number of line and duration of product presentation on the screen). The analysis of the movie has verified the abovementioned hypothesis.

