Geomorphological changes of the Estuary of the Diyala River for the period (1990-2021) using modern techniques

Geomorphological changes of the Estuary of the Diyala River for the period (1990-2021) using modern techniques


  • Prof. Nibras Abbas Yas (Ph.D.) الجامعة العراقية / كلية الآداب
  • Ressearcher / Rana Ali Rasheed الجامعة العراقية / كلية الآداب


Keywords: Geomorphological changes, estuary of Diyala river, modern techniques


     This research dealt with the geomorphic of the estuary of the Diyala River in the Tigris using modern techniques, as the study showed the analysis and comparison of the changes in the estuary of the Diyala River for three time periods (1990-2005-2021) to highlight the geomorphic changes and their analysis, it showed that there were changes in the area of the flood plain as it changed during the study periods amounting to  Its area is (11.9 km²) in 1990 and (12.2 km²) in 2005 and this situation has stabilized until 2021.  (3) torsions in 2005 and settled on (3) torsions in 2021, as they varied in their morphometric and morphological characteristics in terms of meander ratio, length of range, wavelength inflection, length and width of the stream in torsion and bend, and the study revealed a change in the number, dimensions, characteristics and area of   the river islands during  The duration of the study, the number of river islands reached (3) islands in 1990, then the number decreased to one island in 2005 after two islands merged with the floodplain, and in 2021 (3) islands, two of which are modern.

