The relationship of population growth to changing of the residential function A study in the locality of 817 in al-Tamim neighborhood in Baghdad

The relationship of population growth to changing of the residential function A study in the locality of 817 in al-Tamim neighborhood in Baghdad


  • Assistant Lecturer/ Nawal Mohammed Salman الجامعة العراقية / كلية الاداب / قسم الجغرافية


keywords: population growth, residential function, land use.


Land uses within the city, including residential use, are characterized by a competitive dynamic on the built and unbuilt area unit in the residential neighborhoods, due to the presence of the forces of attraction and expulsion, especially in the central areas and their edges, and this leads in turn to the phenomenon of substitution (transformation and change) functional and urban.

And since the residential job is weak in competition with the commercial and industrial job, so the area it occupies will decrease whenever the size of the city increases or swells due to population growth, so it will soon give up part of its space for other commercial or industrial uses.

And because the dwelling changes in form and function according to the environmental, economic and social changes taking place in society as a result of technological development and natural population increase, so the research explains the relationship between population growth in the study area located in the city of Baghdad, which is the locality 817 in Al-Tamim neighborhood (Al-Bayaa), and between the change in the function The size and area of residential use, housing units and their suitability for housing standards, and the amount of net and total residential density.

