Professional identity and its relationship to academic achievement motivation among middle school teachers

Professional identity and its relationship to academic achievement motivation among middle school teachers


  • Instr. Yasmine Alwan Karim (Ph.D.) مديرية التربية الرصافة الاولى


Keywords: professional identity, academic achievement motivation, preparatory school teachers


The current research aims to identify:

1- The professional identity of preparatory school teachers 2- Academic achievement motivation among preparatory school teachers 3- The relationship between professional identity and academic achievement motivation among preparatory school teachers. 4- The difference in the relationship between professional identity and academic achievement motivation according to the variable: a- gender (male-female) b- years of service (long “10 years or more” – short “less than 10 years”), and to achieve the objectives of the research, the researcher adopted a scale (Al-Dhahabi, 2020) for the professional identity based on the theory (Caspi & Roberts 2001) consisting of (28) items. As for the academic achievement motivation scale, the researcher built the scale based on the definition and theory (1953, McClelland) It consists of (35) items, and the psychometric characteristics were extracted from excellence, validity and stability, as the items of the two scales were applied to a sample consisting of (300) preparatory school teachers for the academic year (2021-2022), and the following results were reached:

1- Preparatory school teachers have a professional identity. 2- Preparatory school teachers have academic achievement motivation. 3- There is a relationship between professional identity and academic achievement motivation. 4- There are no statistically significant differences between professional identity and academic achievement motivation according to the gender variable. B- There are no Statistically significant differences between professional identity and academic achievement motivation according to long years of service (“10 years or more” – short “less than 10 years”).

