The Lineage of Al-Talibeen Families in Palestine

The Lineage of Al-Talibeen Families in Palestine


  • أ.م.د عثمان مشعان عبد اللهيبي الجامعة العراقية - كلية الاداب
  • Researcher Hajer Thamer Hadi الجامعة العراقية - كلية الاداب


Keywords: Lineage, Al-Talibeen, Palestine


The research included the honorable lineage of Al-Talibeen who inhabited Palestine and branched out into many families. They were among the most important constituent groups of Palestinian society, as scholars, jurists and others who held important positions in Palestinian society emerged from them. The origin of the Talbi lineage goes back to Abu Talib bin Abdul Muttalib, the uncle of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and because their lineage was among the most honorable lineages, they had an important social position and great appreciation between the private and the public in the Palestinian community.

