The Concept of Worshipping and its Impact on Personality Formation

The Concept of Worshipping and its Impact on Personality Formation


  • Prof. Essam Mahmoud Mohamed (Ph.D.) الجامعة العراقية - كلية الاداب
  • Researcher Anfal Mahmoud Mohammed الجامعة العراقية - كلية الاداب


Keywords: Concept, Worshipping, Personality Formation


My research (the concept of worshipping and its impact on the formation of personality), came to explain the impact of the Glorious Qur’an that was revealed to the the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) in the formation of the features of this personality, its correct approach, and its path on the straight path, because it has a teacher distinguished by the correct approach, and high morals, And moderate moderation, so that the Muslim personality became the key to all good, the closure to all evil, and the path to all knowledge, and that piety and worship are clearly evident in the formation of the features of the Muslim personality by making it far from all forbidden and close to all permissible, a moderate personality that follows the approach of truth and nullifies the path of falsehood, and came the Islamic religion is balanced, compatible, and just in all areas of life. One of the features of the Muslim personality is discipline, justice, and moderation towards these areas.

