الدلالــــــة أو المعنى الطبيعي في كتاب " انوار البروق في انواء الفروق للإمام القرافي (626-684هـ ) دراسة وتحليل

الدلالــــــة أو المعنى الطبيعي في كتاب " انوار البروق في انواء الفروق للإمام القرافي (626-684هـ ) دراسة وتحليل


  • Hanaa Mahmoud Ismail (Ph.D.) . Prof الجامعة العراقية - كلية الاداب
  • Researcher Iqbal Abd AlSahib Habib الجامعة العراقية - كلية الاداب


Keywords: the concept of semantics among the Arabs, the concept of semantics among the Qurafi, the semantics of the natural meaning (the utterance).


           Semantics in the linguistic lesson, although it seems to be modern, its origins are rooted in the linguistic heritage of Arab scholars and first scholars. The meaning is an abstract mental conception. Rather, it is a vital image and a renewed element that is subject to change and interpretation. We summarize the issue of meaning; which formed the focus of the attention of scholars and linguists, as they enter into fundamental issues, through which the significance is determined, which is the speaker’s intent and intent. As for the scholars of origins, we find the jurist focusing on the issue of meaning; Because it represents the main pillar in deducing jurisprudential rulings, as we can see, the fundamentalists’ interest in meaning has reached a degree of maturity that made them classify the meaning presented by the uttered according to its gradation, whether it is clear or hidden. 

