Riddles in the poetry of Ibn Al-Jiyab Al-Andalusi A study in the light of aesthetic reception

Riddles in the poetry of Ibn Al-Jiyab Al-Andalusi A study in the light of aesthetic reception


  • Asst. Prof. Haider Reda Karim Al-Omairi (Ph.D.) مديرية تربية بغــــــداد الرصافة الأولى


Keywords: riddles, Ibn al-Jiyab's poetry, aesthetic reception


The nature of a Man is to try to hide what he says or writes, and sometimes only the one to whom the speech is addressed understands it directly, and then the enigmatic text constitutes a dialogue method of artistic value. However, its poetic language and its moral contents indicate the method of manipulating letters or words, which reveals the poet's ability and his ability to use his artistic tools. Because the aesthetic of reception does not look at texts except as structures for generating meanings and integrating the reader with the text. To rebuild it again, based on the mental activities of the recipient, the mental structure of the reader or recipient becomes part of the structure of the text, one cannot be separated from the other.

