Sufi Manifestations in the Poetry of Raad Abdul Qadir

Sufi Manifestations in the Poetry of Raad Abdul Qadir


  • Assist. Lect. Fatima Hassan Idar الجامعة المستنصرية / كلية الآداب


Keywords: Manifestation, Sufism, Connection and Separation, Witnessing, Dignity and Union


Talking about Sufism is a recent concept whose principle is the world of imagination and departure, to escape from the reality of life to a world away from instinct. A world in which the lower self meets the higher self, a world in which words, connotations, and imaginary images are formed that no recipient can reveal except through his journey according to the mystical ranks mentioned by Ibn al-Arabi, which are disclosure, manifestation, viewing and ecstasy.

Hence, I cannot but move with Ibn al-Arabi in search of the Sufi life in some of his poetic verses, as he mentions the meaning of Sufi existence and navigates in the world of imagination and dreams saying:

What does a crazy man living in his whims have but to complain about separation and alienation?

And I'm against him... my lover is in my imagination... still getting closer

My beloved is from me, and in me, and with me, so why should I say what is in me and what is in me?

These verses depict some of the psychological fluctuations experienced by the Sufi, describing the spiritual transition in the world of reality and imagination, represented by connection and separation.

