Semantics of linguistic metaphor In the lexicon of the AL Tiraz AL Awal by Ibn Masoum Al-Madani (d. 1120 AH) Analytical study in the light of lexical industry standards

Semantics of linguistic metaphor In the lexicon of the AL Tiraz AL Awal by Ibn Masoum Al-Madani (d. 1120 AH) Analytical study in the light of lexical industry standards


  • Qahtan Rasshak Dakheel Assistant Professor Doctor قسم اللغة العربيّة/ كلية الآداب/ الجامعة المستنصرية


الكلمات المفتاحيّة: (دلالة المجاز اللغوي، الطراز الأول، الصناعة المعجميّة)


This research belongs to a group of research that examines the achievement of the lexical standards of the continent in the modern linguistic lesson on an important topic of semantics in the Arabic language, which is the linguistic metaphor. The rhetorical statement as Dr. Tammam Hassan says; Which includes the metaphor in general, and the linguistic metaphor of it in particular, in a heritage lexicon Anamaz, starting with the realization of this connection and this presence of the linguistic metaphor in the Arabic lexicon, which is the lexicon of AL Tiraz of Ibn Masum al-Madani; It was among the criteria that we tested for its presence in AL Tiraz; It is to mention the truth and the metaphor in one resource, by presenting the real meaning from the metaphor. the extent of its presence in linguistic analysis according to Ibn Masum Al-Madani, and the research methodology was represented by a statement of the objectivity of the criteria of lexical construction with applied projections in the lexicon of the model with the analysis of the texts of the model in comparison with the basic lexicon of Zamakhshari (d. 538 AH) as A lexicon specialized in the figurative meaning on the one hand, and because Ibn Masum relied on it in transferring with criticism, , It was that Ali al-Zamakhshari - despite Ibn Masum's veneration for him - redressed each of the mentioned criteria; The research came out with pioneering results in its chapter on the applied level by analyzing the texts of the figurative meaning and comparing it with the lexical linguistic heritage with the texts of the basic lexicon and other linguistic dictionaries, with the innovations of modernists in establishing a figurative lexicon that undertakes the task of following up on the semantic development of words, which modern research has failed to highlight in practice.

