Stephen Hemsley Longrigg Intellectual Contributions of the Book of Oil in Middle East its Exploration and Development As a Model

Stephen Hemsley Longrigg Intellectual Contributions of the Book of Oil in Middle East its Exploration and Development As a Model


  • Prof. Inaam Mahdi Ali AL-Salman
  • Researcher Ali Kareem Abbas Salman AL-Obaidi


Keywords: Middle East, Oil, Economy and Iraq


The Interest of the middle-East history increased upon all aspects by Authors, since the region gained importance by the colonial states especially after the discovery of oil in general and Arab Gulf in particular. Therefore, The historians and the ones who are interested in history including Longrigg carried out writing especially, in the economic side and by publishing books that dealt economical side especially the oil sector, especially after his retirement from Iraq Oil company in 1951 , his interest in writing increased so he issued his book ( oil in the Middle – East , Exploring and developing ) , the book came to represent his efforts and knowledge upon the hidden conflict among companies , He paid attention to produce new study to organize other studies related to oil , especially in the Middle East for its great importance .

