A Genre-Based Translation Analysis of Selected Careem App Advertisements

A Genre-Based Translation Analysis of Selected Careem App Advertisements


  • الباحثة سرى جرجيس وديع الجامعة المستنصرية- العراق
  • الاستاذ الدكتور احمد قدوري عبد الجامعة المستنصرية- العراق


Keywords: Careem App, discourse, genre, multimodality, visual content, translation.


The present study is a genre-based multimodal analysis of ten Arabic advertisements of Careem App and their English translation, both collected from social media. Based on a qualitative analysis, this is done based on understanding that identifying these genre-based characteristics enable readers to realize an arrangement that creates the meaning in the texts. The model of analysis is based on these genre-based characteristics stated by Paltidge’s (2012) and Cortese’s (2008) visual analysis and Baker’s (2011) linguistic analysis of translated advertisements. This study found that Careem ST and TT advertisements have been relatively-similar in terms of visual and linguistic contents, but many instances are reported. Also, Careem has successfully tackled issues of outdoor environments, background knowledge of costumers of App, focusing mainly on young people to state that Careem provides all their needs.


