Ruling on (Obedience to the Muslim Ruler is Obligatory as Long as he Didn't Order to commit sins) a jurisprudential study

Ruling on (Obedience to the Muslim Ruler is Obligatory as Long as he Didn't Order to commit sins) a jurisprudential study


  • أ.د/ حامد بن مَدَّه بن حميدان الجدعاني الأستاذ بقسم الدراسات القضائية كلية الدراسات القضائية والأنظمة-جامعة أم القرى-مكة المكرمة


Keywords: ruler, obedience, jurisprudential study


The covenant to listen and obey in kindness to the ruler is the method of the righteous ancestors, which is a comprehensive method for the nation in all its eras, if the ruler adheres to the religion of God Almighty, and judges by what God has revealed and does not command disobedience to God.

Jurisprudential research on the ruling of obedience to the ruler is one of the first things that concerned with regarding the rulings of the Imamate. Because of the great matters that it entails for the nation, so I chose to have this research titled “The rule (obedience to the guardian is obligatory without disobeying God Almighty) is a jurisprudential study.”

Among its most important topics are:

The first topic: formulas of the rule.

The second topic: evidence in the rule, and a statement of its importance.

The third topic: The limits of obedience

Fifth topic: Jurisprudential applications.

Concluding the research with the most important results and suggestions, and from God Almighty we derive help and success.

