The strategies Employed in Rendering Quranic Ayas of Colors into English: A Corpus Based Study

The strategies Employed in Rendering Quranic Ayas of Colors into English: A Corpus Based Study


  • Assistant Professor Ibrahim Talaat Ibrahim AL-Bayati جامعة العراقية/ كلية الاداب


الكلمات المفتاحية: برنامج لغة متون القرآن والايات القرآنية التي تحتوي على الفاظ الالوان والاجنبة والتدجين


The Glorious Qur'an is a book of divine authorship. Therefore, its texts are worth researching. The researcher selected the Qur'anic Ayas of colors as case study due to its significant cultural implications that these Ayas embrace in their contexts .The researcher counted on Qur'an Corpus Program founded by University of Leeds in collecting his samples. Then, he designed an eclectic model of analysis based on Venuti Foreignization and Domestication strategies with the employment of five translation procedures: addition, explanatory translation, literal translation, deletion and transliteration. He raises a question in the body of the study, it is as follows: what are the most suitable translation strategies and translation procedures employed in rendering Qur'anic Ayas of colors into English. The study answered the question raised by the researcher: the Qur'anic solid colors can be translated appropriately via Foreignization strategy with the employment of literal translation procedure. While Domestication strategy can be used in rendering the Qur'anic Ayas of colors that embrace culturally loaded meaning.

