The Variation of depression according to some variables among the parameters

The Variation of depression according to some variables among the parameters


  • Instructor Doctor Faris Haroun Rashid Obaid الجامعة القادسية/ كلية الآداب


Keywords Depression, Depressive disorder, Beck Depression Inventory.


In our time, we witness many conflicts and psychological disorders, and when society achieves peace and happiness for its children, it almost always guarantees them a great deal of optimism, and their depression rate decreases, and the social and economic changes that follow wars or unusual events such as natural disasters such as earthquakes, volcanoes and famine A major role in the spread of symptoms of depression, feelings of sadness and a melancholic outlook towards life.. Perhaps the danger and importance of this variable is clearly evident when we know that many psychological disorders begin their first indicators when the individual begins to feel pessimism and melancholy and anticipates deep sadness and may have suicidal thoughts. The incidence of the disease varies in different countries, where cultural aspects, the pattern of social relations, and the religious trend play an important role in determining the rate of spread of the disease from them. It leads to depression. The current research aimed to measure depression among the parameters according to some variables to find out the difference between them, which required the adoption of an appropriate research tool, the Beck Depression List. The sample included (400) female teachers within the Directorate of Education in Babylon Governorate. After analyzing the data and using statistical methods, the research reached a set of results, including:

* The presence of depression among female teachers in the province of Babylon.

* The suffering of female teachers from the city and rural areas from feelings of depression to a similar degree.

 * There are statistically significant differences according to the levels of social status. In light of the findings, the researcher put forward a set of recommendations:

* Upgrading educational cadres by increasing material and cultural support and reducing the burdens placed on them.

* Work to raise the morale and self-confidence of educational cadres through the responsible authorities and the communities in which they live. By providing appropriate cooperation and attention.

The researcher suggested some suggestions:

* Conducting a study similar to the current study to be appointed by married and unmarried teachers.

* Conducting research on other samples of society, such as colleges of the finished stages or professors and universities, to find out the extent of depression among them.

