The internal structure of the city of Rummana

The internal structure of the city of Rummana


  • Assistant Instructor Mahmoud Akash Ahmed Karbouli جامعة الانبار/ كلية التربية القائم
  • Assistant Instructor Hazem Muhammad Khalaf Al-Karbouli جامعة الانبار/ كلية التربية القائم


الكلمات المفتاحية: - المدينة، التركيب الداخلي، استعمالات الأرض، المركب الحضري.


The city of Al-Rummaneh is one of the modern Iraqi cities with a rural and traditional character, which arose and grew over agricultural lands extending on the left bank of the Euphrates River, benefiting from the administrative decision that made it the center of a district in 1968, to acquire the urban character that transformed the agricultural village into a city that oversees its region It extends in the land of the island, adjacent to the Euphrates River from the Iraqi-Syrian border in the west to the borders of Al-Qaim district in the east, within Al-Jazirah region. However, this characteristic clashed with the government decision in 1987 represented by the administrative littering system, which canceled the administrative capacity and made the Rummana district an urban part that belongs to the Al-Qaim district center. To grow the city based on the sectoral designs of the municipality, and this decision continued until 2002 to return the administrative character of the city as the center of the Rummana sub-district to continue and develop as a result of the development of other human factors, foremost of which comes the population growth, which began with a number of no more than 1927 people in 1977 until this number reached 11788 In 2020, the company, along with economic and urban factors, contributes to the development of that administrative capacity of the sub-district, so that the city becomes a center for the district of Al-Rummaneh, separated from the Al-Qaim lit up through the administrative borders that made the Euphrates River a dividing line between the two judges, and this development gained the issuance of the first basic design for the city in 2020 to regulate the uses of the city’s land and its urban complex, which occupied an area of   1884,3 hectares, giving its internal structure its distinctive features and directing its future urban and functional growth.

