"The belief in the fate and destiny and its effect on the psychological stability of youth"

"The belief in the fate and destiny and its effect on the psychological stability of youth"


  • Dr. Noaman Nafeh Obaid Al Kubaisi الجامعة العراقية / كلية الآداب


The world is facing a huge development in the era of globalization, and in light of this development, young people suffer from a set of psychological pressures. And globalization has opened many doors of social interdependence and scientific communication, but at the same time it has led to psychological problems, one of the causes of which may be the effect of the system ideology among young people, including lack of clarity of vision for an important component of faith, which is faith in destiny.

   The current paper aims at identifying the concept of faith in destiny, and its impact on the psychological side of young people, it also keen on showing the features of psychological stability for young people through faith in destiny.    As for the components of the paper whose title is mentioned above, it consists of an introduction and two parts, the first part is concerned with the  belief in destiny which is a concept and pillars, and it embraces two requirements: the first: definition of fate and destiny language and idiom, and the second: pillars of faith in destiny in Islam, and the second topic: milestones of psychological stability through faith in the fate and destiny among young people, and consists of Three demands, the first: the concept of psychological stability in Islamic thought, and the second: psychological stability among young people in the contractual and moral side, and the third: psychological stability among young people in the economic and social aspect, and a conclusion that included the results and recommendations.    Finally, the paper reached several results, the most important of which is the importance of believing in the destiny of young people in setting the right foundations for interaction with civilizational developments, and in a way that achieves psychological stability for young people.

