The Rules of competitions and prizes and some Contemporary Images

The Rules of competitions and prizes and some Contemporary Images


  • Asst Prof. Dr. Qasim Ahmed Jasim ثانوية البردة المختلطة قره تبه


Praise be to God and prayer and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah and his household, his companions and followers. This research          ( The Rules of competitions and prizes and some Contemporary Images) consists of two sections :   

 The first section is (the prize ; its linguistic and idiomatic definitions , the texts contained  therein , and some terms associated with it . 

 The second section : We show in it (the rule of the prize) in the Islamic jurisprudence and the scientist's conditions to work out with it. Then , we mentioned new views for the (prize) concerning the practical and commercial matters and we distinguished between (the prize) and the other that has damaging impact such as  gambling and usury . 

 This research is very important because it is at the heart of reality which we live in nowadays especially the reality which associated with money . 

 Praise  be  to  God  and  prayer  and peace  be upon his messenger , Mohammed and his household , his companions and followers .


