Ethical and value rules associated with the development of money, an objective study in the hadiths of the Prophet

Ethical and value rules associated with the development of money, an objective study in the hadiths of the Prophet


  • Associate Professor Doctor. Firas Mohamed Ibrahim الجامعة الخليجية – مملكة البحرين


                This research includes a study of a topic related to the values of developing money, and the research discusses this issue from an Islamic perspective based on what was mentioned in the sayings and behavior of the Prophet Muhammad related to this issue, and what was mentioned in the modern scientific references that are related to the topic, The research derives its importance from the importance of the economy in the present era, the seriousness of the outlook on money and its development, and the big problems in this aspect, The research problem can be formulated in several questions that the researcher answers directly or indirectly, and they are as follows: What are the values of developing money? Where did it come from? What are the functions of these values? How did the Prophet deal with these values?


