The significance of the audio clips in Surat Al-Inshirah

The significance of the audio clips in Surat Al-Inshirah


  • Dr. Rawaa Abdel Amir Ali


This study deals with the phonetic syllables in surat Al inshirah. The Qur'anic text carries within it phonetic elements from its phonetic syllables, the sounds of this surah are harmonious with the meaning.

and in this surah is spirit intimacy for the beloved Mustafa. And in it is the invocation the good news of ease and joy, and it is directed towards the secret of ease and joy and rope of close communication, and in it educational signs which help to guide Man and raise his level. This research which derives its origins from phonology to study the phonetic syllables iin the surah, revealed the linguistic sound that raises the value of the text. For this reason, I dealt with the phonetic aspect because of its effective value in guidance and preaching. That was clear from the phonetic letters that came close in the exit and the adjective in this surah.


