التعليل النحوي للمؤلف خضر بن إلياس الكومولجنوي ، كان حيًا (868هـ) في كتابهِ ( الأسئلة القطبية على كتاب ابن الحاجب صاحب النفس القدسية)

التعليل النحوي للمؤلف خضر بن إلياس الكومولجنوي ، كان حيًا (868هـ) في كتابهِ ( الأسئلة القطبية على كتاب ابن الحاجب صاحب النفس القدسية)


  • Professor Doctor Muthanna Fadel Theeb Al-Jubouri الجامعة العراقية / كلية الآداب
  • Researcher Nour Ahmed Abdullah Akram Al-Douri الجامعة العراقية / كلية الآداب


The research includes the approach of the Komulguni in dealing with the grammatical cause, and his approach in the book of polar questions and his influence on the approach of the logicians and the kalamites, as it became clear his dialectical style and included arguments and proofs, and then presented to the types of causes that came in his book, so the research required that it be from an introduction and a prelude to the life of the author and mentioned his works, and three Demands: the first is a reading of the cause and the second is the types of causes in the book of polar questions, and the third requirement came about the author’s approach to reasoning, then the research reached some conclusions.  


