Imam Abu Hafs Omar bin Badr Al-Maghazili (RIP) and his jurisprudential choices (a comparative jurisprudential study)

Imam Abu Hafs Omar bin Badr Al-Maghazili (RIP) and his jurisprudential choices (a comparative jurisprudential study)


  • Prof. Dr. Ali Hussein Abbas Al-Issawi جامعة الفلوجة / كلية العلوم الإسلامية


Praise be to God, Lord of the Two Worlds, and the best of prayers and the most complete peace, upon our master Muhammad and his household and companions of the good and pure, and those who followed their path until the Day of Judgement.

The research is divided into an introduction, two chapters and a conclusion: In the introduction, we explained the reason for choosing the topic, and we also explained the research plan.

As for the first topic, we mentioned the personal and scientific life of Imam Abu Hafs al-Maghazili, and we divided it into two demands. And his life, and the second requirement: we mentioned the scholarly life of Imam Abu Hafs Al-Maghazili (RIP), and in it are his sheikhs, students, his stories and his death. In the second requirement: we indicate the time for Friday prayer on the day of Eid, and in the third requirement: we clarify the ruling on a person who vows to slaughter his son, and the methodology we followed in presenting and studying the jurisprudential choices is to present the first doctrine, in which we make the choice of Imam Al-Mughazili (RIP), and present its evidence, then the doctrine The second and its evidence, and so on, then we discuss the evidence and give preference to what we see as the most likely topics. As for the conclusion, we mentioned in it the most important results that we reached.

