التحليل الهيدرولوجي لحوض بحر الملح وهور ابو دبس في بحيره الرزازة (دراسة مقارنه)

التحليل الهيدرولوجي لحوض بحر الملح وهور ابو دبس في بحيره الرزازة (دراسة مقارنه)


  • Asst. Prof. Jwan Sameen Ahmed جامعة بغداد كلية التربية للعلوم الأنسانية ابن رشد


The current study is concerned with the hydrological analysis of Abu Debs and Bahr al-Malh within the spatial extension of the Razzazah Lake, which is located within the natural regions (Al-Fiz and the graphics of Iraq). Therefore, the selection of the research topic came to hydrological analysis of these two troughs (a comparative study) because of their great economic importance and to ward off the danger of flooding Iraqi cities. So the effects of drought began to appear on the Razzazah Lake represented by the shrinking of the water body due to the decrease in its water share. The study also found the effect of climatic conditions that led to changes in the physical and chemical properties of this water environment as well as the use of the northern Karbala drainage water as it is a source of feeding the Abu Debs marsh from The southeastern side of the Razazah lake and its results are witnessing a water deficit that negatively affects the physical and chemical properties of the water. The researcher recommends providing the two troughs of Abu Debs and the Salt Sea Bahr AL-Malh with a water share even for one season during the year at the end of the spring season and cleaning the bottom of the two trough annually to reduce the organic matter produced from Remnants of living organisms.


