The Analysis of the Efficiency of the spatial distribution of educational services in the city of Rawah using geographical information systems

The Analysis of the Efficiency of the spatial distribution of educational services in the city of Rawah using geographical information systems


  • . Dr. Salah Othman Abed Al-Ani وزارة التربية/مديرية تربية الانبار
  • Asst. Inst. Mohammed Emad Qaseem Alani وزارة التربية/مديرية تربية الانبار


This research aimed at revealing the efficiency of the spatial distribution of educational services in the city of Rawah using geographical information systems, by studying the spatial distribution and efficiency of educational services in terms of analyzing the criteria of standard distance and the closest neighbor link as well as the ease of access standard. To reach the future need of educational services in the city of Rawah and in order to improve the educational services a number of conclusions were reached in this research. The most important of which were the lack of kindergarten service that was distributed in two of the city's districts only. While the rest of the neighborhoods were outside of the service domain. And the absence of primary schools in three neighborhoods in the city of Rawah not to mention the rise of pupil standard for each teacher in six schools is about the local standard. Whereas the secondary school distribution came to serve all neighborhoods of the city as they were not centered on its center. And the research has reached the necessity of establishing a number of primary schools and kindergartens in neighborhoods that do not have this service and suffer from difficult access to it. To have at least (13) kindergartens distributed in all districts of the city. And (5) primary schools distributed over four districts of the city.


