Scholars of the city of Sawa during the Abbasid era (132-656A.H)

Scholars of the city of Sawa during the Abbasid era (132-656A.H)


  • Asst. Prof. Dr. Ali Nayiff Majeed كلية التربية الاساسية / جامعة ديالى


Historical studies in Islamic times, especially the emergence of the Abbasid (132-656 AH), gave an important role to the scientific messages and the drawing of the Islamic message and its journey in the dissemination of Islamic culture and the teachings of the Islamic religion within the lands opened by salmon, including AL-Mashreq AL-Islami , especially the city of Sawa, which is located between Ray and Haman. Between irrigation and they are scholars, scientists and curators such as (d.186 AH), Muhammad ibn Umayya (d. 186 AH) and Muhammad ibn Umayya (d. 186 AH) (d 346 E) and Yusef bin Ismail bin Yusuf, Abu Yaqoub al-Sawy al-Sufi (d. 346 AH) who used to move between Sawa, al-Rayyan, al-Rayy and other cities in the Islamic East to spread his knowledge. Abu Ya’qub was a Sophia and other scholars of Medina


