Commercial activity in the Central Maghreb and its impact on the development of the movement commercial

Commercial activity in the Central Maghreb and its impact on the development of the movement commercial


  • Dr. Mustafa Kamel Mohamed Al-Shabani جامعة القادسية / كلية التربية



The theme is business activity in the Middle East, and its role in the development of the commercial movement in this geographical region, which is an important subject that should have wide scope in the study. Besides, the researcher’s choice of the topic did not come out of vacuum. But our conviction that trade in AL-Maghreb AL-Awsat (Algeria) was distinctive, Political and even civilized) does not make him hooligans in his narrow geographical context in comparison with Islamic Maghreb states and their neighboring states. Having said that, the researcher started focusing on travel books with reference to geography and highlighting the maps of commercial activities in Maghreb AL-Awsat states not to mention detecting of the distance of anchors and metropolises that have become unknown and lost in books. The topic of the research focuses on the economic aspect of the history of AL-Magreb AL-Awsat, by knowing the most important trade routes that linked it to the countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea, or the countries that border it, such as the Far Maghreb and Western Sudan, and this in turn reflects to us the importance of the history of the region and its impact on other aspects, such as politics and society and others. 


