Shahristan City: A Study in Its Political, Geographical and Ideological Aspects (From Establishment till End of the Year 631 A.H. -1233 A.D.)

Shahristan City: A Study in Its Political, Geographical and Ideological Aspects (From Establishment till End of the Year 631 A.H. -1233 A.D.)


  • Asst. Prof. Dr. WAFAA ABDULJABBAR IMRAN جامعة بغداد كلية التربية ابن رشد للعلوم الانسانية


Shahristan city is considered one of the salient cities in Khuraasan which indicates that is somewhat modern, when it is compared to other old cities. It was established by Abdullah Bin Tahir at the time of Al-Mamoun Caliphate .   Due to its special location , this city had been attracted , invaded and destroyed by many  hostile armies .

The present study aims at finding out the importance of Shahristan city, investigating  its history and huge number of scholars and philosophers  it provided in all fields of knowledge it provided the world .This study concluded that Shahristan city had negatively been affected politically , geographically , and ideologically due to the severe accidents caused by the invasive armies and forces that destroyed it totally .Furthermore and having totally destroyed, Shahristan city had been widely neglected and did not receive enough attention .Despite all these cases , Shahristan city

had a wonderful and awesome geographical site  and climate and was the meeting point for other nations . Ideologically, Shahristan city provided , as mentioned above , many scholars ,one of the most famous figure was the philosopher Abdulkareem Al-Shahristani and many others . 


