Interpretation by addition in the book “Mabariq Al-Azhar” in the explanation of Mashariq Al-Anwar by Ibn Al-Malik (d. 854 AH)

Interpretation by addition in the book “Mabariq Al-Azhar” in the explanation of Mashariq Al-Anwar by Ibn Al-Malik (d. 854 AH)


  • Asst. Prof. Dr. Amjad Owaid Elhayani الجامعة العراقية / كلية الآداب
  • Researcher Ahmed Salah Saadoun Al-Dulaimi الجامعة العراقية / كلية الآداب


Praise be to God, who is unique in his great domination and I bear witness that there is no god but Him, no one can harm Him, and no one else is able to overpower Him and Mohammad (PBUM) is his prophet. The truest speech is the word of God and the best guidance is the guidance of His Messenger, and the Prophetic Sunnah is the second legislative source after the word of God, and it is the explanatory form of its texts, clarification of its meaning, specifying its ambiguity, and absolute restriction. Interpretation by addition.” At first, I explained the concept of interpretation as the sources talked about, and then dealt with the concept of addition, and the latter was divided into three sections or topics, where I took in the first topic: Interpretation by adding letters in its different sections, and as it came to those sections from examples in the book Mubariq Al-Azhar in the explanation of Mashariq Al-Anwar by Ibn Malik (d. Even with a little thing, if you complete this, then that is the grace of God and His blessings upon me, and if I erred, then it is from me and from my shortcomings, asking God, the Mighty and Sublime, to facilitate.

