Resolving Evidence of Luminous Benefits by Sheikh Abdul Rahim bin Abdul Karim Al-Safi Buri (died:1275H), from the section of: the Subject and Predicate to Additive Clause, study and investigation

Resolving Evidence of Luminous Benefits by Sheikh Abdul Rahim bin Abdul Karim Al-Safi Buri (died:1275H), from the section of: the Subject and Predicate to Additive Clause, study and investigation


  • Instr. Dr. Omer Hasan Rasheed وزارة التربية، مديرية تربية بغداد/ الكرخ الثالثة.


This enchanting language, casted its luxuriant charm on scholars and writers. Therefore, there has been untold authorship on various knowledge and linguistic arts, including: ((The dissolution of the evidence of the luminous benefits)), for Sheikh Abdul Rahim bin Abdul Karim Al-Safi Buri)). The researcher selected the book whose title is highlighted above to carry out an investigation and study its text from the section of: the Subject and Predicate to Additive Clause. This book is so important that the books that have abundantly discussed the examples are so many if compared to other linguistic authorship. It is indispensable since it deals with an abundant explanation of the explanations of the Kufic text, and such is the authentic approach that the Sheikh had adopted in explaining the examples without mentioning extra elaboration.

