Self-Concealment Among Middle School Student (A Comparative Study)

Self-Concealment Among Middle School Student (A Comparative Study)


  • Inst. Nadia Mohammed Rzooqy Al-Aajam جامعة ديالى – كلية التربية المقداد


The current research aims to identify: -

1- The degree of self-concealment of middle school students.

2- The degree of self-concealment of middle school students according to the gender variable (males - females)

3- Identify the significance of the difference in the variable of hiding oneself among middle school students according to the gender variable (males - females).

In order to achieve the research objectives, the researcher adopted the scale prepared by (Khudair 2018) consisting of (30) paragraphs and quadruple alternatives to measure self-concealment, and after applying the scale to the research sample consisting of (200) middle school students in the Diyala Education Directorate in Baquba Center For the morning study, the results showed that the degree of self-concealment of the students was (122.5), the degree of self-concealment of the males was (145) and the degree of self-concealment of the female was (100). The results also showed that there were statistically significant differences according to the gender variable in favor of males

