The concept of unconsciousness in God Almighty from the perspective of the Holy Quran (Objective study)

The concept of unconsciousness in God Almighty from the perspective of the Holy Quran (Objective study)


  • Dr.. Haider Abdul Aziz Ismail الجامعة المستنصرية / كلية التربية الاساسية


This research summarizes a fundamental issue in the life of every Muslim, which affects substantially his behavior and life, and even after his death and presents it in a clear and simplified manner for the reader, the study deals with the issue of vanity, his truth, vanity in God Almighty and its effects on the servant in his life and after his death And the pictures of this scourge and the types of those who possess it, and the means of prevention and treatment of this terrible disease, so vanity is one of the greatest moral evils to which individuals and societies are exposed, a disease that indicates a lack of intelligence and obscures the light of reason and insight, So he is exalted over people and arrogant, then he is proud of his Lord, Creator and Master, so that he does not submit to him and does not fulfill the duty of servitude, but he follows his desires and whims, not indifferent to God’s consideration of him, indifferent to the people around him, Enabling this scourge of souls is ignorance, ignorance of the truth of the soul, ignorance of the truth of life, and ignorance of the attributes of the Almighty and the Most High, and if a person is ignorant of all these meanings, he raises himself above his destiny, rises above the creation, and arrogates before God, then he becomes one of the conceited.


