The Image of Simile and the Effect of Psychology Upon Blind Poets of the First Abbasid Era: Similes of Nature as a Model

The Image of Simile and the Effect of Psychology Upon Blind Poets of the First Abbasid Era: Similes of Nature as a Model


  • Prof. Dr. Muthanna Naeem Hammadi الجامعة العراقية - كلية الاداب
  • Researcher Safaa Saleh Abdel Hamid الجامعة العراقية - كلية الاداب


The idea of ​​linking the psychological impact with Arabic rhetoric was not a bizarre matter in our literary heritage, for there are close ties between the text and the psychological situation, which is apparent throughout the Arab eras, and what the old critics indicated in terms of the motives of saying and moments of creativity, guides us to a primitive awareness of its features and starting points in the early ages of the classic Arabic criticism, which was not without pauses at the psychological impact of the literary work, which is not without emotional values, the movement of its creator through it to express a certain idea that simmers in himself and sometimes exhausts his thoughts. The artistic vision of literary work also cannot stand idly by at the outer borders of the text and is not to dig in depth of the inner depths of the creative person. And a certain feeling in response to an event, transformed into an idea that moved from the depth of the poet’s soul to translate it into an artistic expression, so nature, with its scenes that differ with the succession of seasons, and the animals it contains between pets and predators, is the environment of the Arab poet that he used to and moved around. And this environment had clear echoes in the souls of poets that hardly any of them could ignore or uproot from his poetry, rather it was sometimes a source of inspiration, and a motive for his speech and creativity, because the relationship of man with some animals sometimes exceeded the stages of the mental and speech difference, to be a relationship similar to the relationship of friendship and nostalgia, The pain is a mutual feeling between the both parties.

