Effective attraction elements ( influncers in social media locations and its reflection extract
Effective attraction elements ( influncers in social media locations and its reflection extract
Keywords : influncers – media content – social media locations – attractions elements – society behaivoral reflections.Abstract
Social media locations became with what it broadcasts of content Whether the content was posative or negative plays a part in formalizing public opinion and influncing on users tastes and changing their social consumetive behaviors , also the influencers phenomenan spot lighted who conquested the social media locations and became ideal to many of the youth and teenagers and they even started playing apart in formalizing people tastes in every respects whether conceptional or behavioral and in deed there was social changes its reasons was the content that those influncers spreads, this research seeks to receal who much the extend of the choosen sample effiction by the introduced content throgh these influncers and how much they accept it and what is part of scientific attainents in the efficting degree and what is the most important attraction elements in the media content of these influncers, This reaserch considered to be one of the describtive resurveyed ones.
Where it depended electronic questionir instrument because of corona defuse circumstances which oprevented using paper one. Also because the study operates on a sample of social media locations users, which the social media networks is considered to be the representative to the society of this study. The sample of this study is regarded a random simple one consisted from 400 quested of each categories spans from 18 to 50 years spreader or 3, their scintific level situates from secondary graduate to omission.