London conference in 1939

London conference in 1939


  • Dr.Wissam Hussein Abdul Razzaq الجامعة العراقية - كلية الاداب


This study aims to try to research the subject of the contemporary history of Palestine, as Palestine was subjected to a fierce attack during the First World War, which the British government adopted through the issuance of the Balfour Declaration in 1917, according to which it pledged to establish a national home for the Jews in Palestine, and then it sponsored this promise according to the Mandate Deed Which was granted by the League of Nations to British 1922 and is an international cover for Britain in order to Judaize Palestine, and the Palestinian people would only resist that policy by all means in order to obtain freedom and independence.

     Therefore, this study is looking for the first official initiative from Britain to solve the Palestinian issue, through the London Conference called by the British government in 1939 AD to try to calm the situation in Palestine after the expansion of the great Palestinian revolution, and its inability to eliminate it despite all the means it used to eliminate it As well as the turmoil of the situation on the global level, which heralds the outbreak of a second world war, which led to the holding of this conference,and the British government tried to mediate between the demands of Arabs and Jews To reach an agreement during the conference, but both parties insisted on their position, This led to Britain issuing the White Paper in 1939, but the Arabs and Jews rejected the terms of this book, and at the same time World War II broke out, and Britain repudiated all of these covenants..

