المنهج النبوي في تأصيل مفهوم النزاهة ودفع الفساد دراسة موضوعية

المنهج النبوي في تأصيل مفهوم النزاهة ودفع الفساد دراسة موضوعية


  • Dr.. Alaa Kamel Abdel Razzaq جامعة الأنبار – كلية العلوم الإسلامية




The condition of people today indicates a loss and a loss in aspects of life in general, due to the loss of integrity, and the spread of corruption and its spread, so solutions must be made.

 And if a solution is found, is there a prophetic statement and an authentic Mohammedan approach that guides us? It is a light from God that He sent to us to bring us out of darkness and into the light, peace be upon him.

That is why the study was about the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, approach to rooting the meaning of integrity and pushing back spiritual, physical, financial and administrative corruption, and explaining the seriousness of that, and how Islam has drawn for us the methods of prevention and treatment of corruption. And laying the foundations for the concept of integrity.

