Al-Attiyah hadith Analytical Study

Al-Attiyah hadith Analytical Study


  • Prof. Sami bin Musaid bin Mesaieed جامعة أم القرى كليَّة الدعوة وأصول الدِّين قسم الكتاب والسُّنَّة


الكلمات المفتاحية: الهبة، العطيَّة، النعمان، لا أشهد، جور.


This research handled the Hadith of Al-Nu'man bin Bashir's Gift from his father as well as revealing the sound, weak, defected and correct narrations. The research reached the following:

  • The Hadith of Al-Nu'man bin Bashir's Gift from his father has been narrated by three prophet's companions namely: Al-Nu'man bin Bashir, Bashir bin Saad and Jabir bin Abdullah including some different words. This Hadith has been narrated by eight narrators on the authority of Al-Nu'man bin Bashir. The research concluded that the Hadith in general is sound except some words; the first is "you should be fair with your sons" which are incorrect as Mojahed was the only narrator among seventeen narrators who narrated these words on the authority of Al-Sha'bi. The second different words have been mentioned in Muslim Hadith Book where Al-Nu'man says "A slave given to me by my father". This phrase is irregular as it contradicts all other Hadiths in the same section. The third difference was the word of "Garden". The fourth difference was that the time of gift took place during "birth". The fifth difference was the words "If you, Messenger of Allah think that I should go ahead with it, I will go ahead". The sixth difference is "I'm trustworthy and only witness trustworthiness"

This hadith has been narrated by three narrators on the authority of Bashir bin Mos'ad, but it is unsound hadith

Abu Al-Zubair narrated this Hadith on the authority of Jabir bin Abdullah, and it is sound Hadith

  1. Although this Hadith tells one event; but its words are different and its narrators add different words, so some scholars claimed that this Hadith is disordered, but this opinion is rejected as follows:

First: There is no contradiction between these words. The second is that the difference of words lies within narration by meaning and this is allowed. The third is that Al-Nu'man mentioned this Hadith in different meetings, so that every narrator narrated what he memorized and wrote. The fourth is that every narrator narrated what he heard from Al-Nu'man where he sometimes narrated it full and sometimes incomplete

Opining words: grant, giving, gifts, I do not witness and injustice.

